Maintenance Clerk
Job Description and Details
Responsible for data entry and monitoring of equipment for the Asphalt Plants and mobile equipment to produce various asphalt products according to mix, design, and customer jobsite specifications.
MAINTAINS history cards of all fixed and mobile equipment to aide in efficient preventative maintenance.
MONITORS and MAINTAINS records of fuel usage of all equipment inclusive of generators, by reviewing all check sheets and reports.
MONITORS check sheets provided by the workers to assist the Plant Superintendent with the planning and execution of maintenance activities.
COORDINATES with the Procurement Section to work with suppliers to ensure the availability of spare parts whether locally or overseas.
MAINTAINS communication with the Asphalt Plant Stores Section to ensure restock levels are checked, parts are ordered, procured, and delivered by suppliers in a timely manner.
FILES the Asphalt Plant Reports/Check Sheets to allow easy access and availability.
UPKEEP history cards electronically, of all fixed and stationary equipment.
PERFORMS daily equipment checks for signs of defects which are to be brought to the attention of the Plant Superintendent.
ADHERES to the established guidelines of OEM for Preventative Maintenance of all equipment standards of all equipment.
ACCURATELY record all pertinent information and report to the Plant Superintendent.